Welcome to Clever Chameleon!
Welcome to the web home of Dione Gardner-Stephen – passionate quilter and textile artist. Clever Chameleon is the portal to my world of colour and texture……. where you will find my patchwork quilting blog, weekly colour inspiration, opportunities to show your quilts, free patterns and tutorials, a growing quilter’s community and very soon, my commercially available patterns. If you love learning and want to challenge yourself to make better quilts with more personal touches, then Clever Chameleon is for you!
Every quilter has a story
Every quilter has a story, and every story is different. Where did your quilt story start? Why do you quilt? Who do you quilt for? What styles do you like? What colours do you prefer? How big is your stash?! How do you feel about your UFO’s? But most importantly, “What’s next?”!
Join the community
Clever Chameleon is here to help you stay excited about the “What’s next?” chapter of your quilt story. Find ideas for personalising your quilts from the first decisions on a pattern, right through to the finishing touches. We’ll explore inspiration for your next colour scheme, ideas for adding textures and understanding design basics. Find out about other quilters and their quilting adventures. I’m hoping you’ll share your experiences and become part of the community too.
Clever Chameleon will help you write your own unique quilting story….. come on in and explore the site. Subscribe to blog posts to make sure you don’t miss anything. Enjoy the eye candy, tell your friends and share your own experiences. If you are going to quilt your own story, you may as well publish it too!

See you on the inside!
P.S. Did you know that chameleons use colour to broadcast their mood?! Likewise, your quilts tell people a lot about you – be a clever chameleon and make your quilts tell the right story!