Today I finished my Island Batik Ambassador project for June 🙂
In the works here for a while now, has been a new book bag for my daughter to take to music lessons. And today it’s done. It features a paper-piecing technique that is new-to-me, Island Batik fabrics, HOBBS Thermore batting and six music motif block patterns by Juliet of Tartankiwi.
Read on to see my new, and very simple, drawstring bag. And to see how the Chameleon got himself into a little strife after our latest Colour & Inspiration party. Happy Tuesday!
Created from a photo by Tonyluichung – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Rubber Duckie You’re the One…… You make bathtime lots of fun!….
Rubber Duckie, I’m awfully fond of yooooooo-ooooou!
By Eva Rinaldi – Rubber Duck, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Sorry, couldn’t help it…. I’ve been working on the next block for our Love with a Twist quilt along. No prizes for guessing that it’s a duck. And that I have done my appliqué in yellow and orange. 😀 And given myself a dose of “Rubber Duckie” earworm from Ernie of Sesame Street.
This set of thoughts also reminds me of the huge rubber duck sculptures by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman that brightened up cities all over the world between 2007 and 2017. They still make me smile.
I hope this post brightens up your inbox like a huge rubber duck in an international seaport! And also I hope you’ll pop over to the blog for a dose of Colour & Inspiration Tuesday and a sneak peek at June’s Love with a Twist appliqués. Psst… I plan to have the duck pattern ready for you on Friday.
June is “Try It” month for the Island Batik Ambassadors, where we get free rein to choose a technique that we haven’t done before and give it a whirl on any project. New technique, Island Batik fabrics; that’s it for the rules.
So, I thought – “It is about time I tried the traditional method of paper-piecing”….. you know the one….. the method with the actual foundation paper. 😀 I have done freezer paper paper-piecing before, when I first started patchwork and quilting, but I’ve never done a project using a paper foundation that you stitch through.
It’s going quite well, I think. Wanna know what I am making?
You’d think, with my love of all things critters and quilting, and an imaginary (shhh, he doesn’t know) Chameleon friend, that I should have/would have done a chameleon-flavoured quilt by now. You’d think. But it’s been over two years now since the Chameleon first took the internet by technicolour storm, and still no chameleon quilt. Not even a chameleon table runner. Awww poor unimpressed Chameleon!
Well, all that is about to change this month. I have until the beginning of July to complete a small quilt that has been a design idea since forever and has hit the top of the queue thanks to a Guild Challenge. It’s doable and it will be fun.
May is drawing to a close – it’s starting to feel more wintery here, and it’s time to show you my finished Island Batik Ambassador quilt for this month. My checkers quilt, Hop to be Square is my Island Batik project for May. I hope you saw last week’s post explaining how the flimsy of Hop to be Square came about…. It was nearly as much of a surprise to me as anyone – it was certainly not the quilt I sat down to make!
Today I get to show you what I put on the back side of Hop to be Square. Just like the quilt top, the back took itself off plan as soon as it was in progress! To begin with, I thought I was the one being clever….. I had three checkered batik fabrics from Island Batik. And since the quilt front is a board for playing Checkers, they seemed like the simple and perfect fit for the backing……