Colour Inspiration Tuesday – Blue Moon Fabrics

Blue Moon colour scheme from Clever Chameleon

March is “Try a New Technique” Month for the Island Batik Ambassador team, and I’m feeling inspired!

Try a new technique?!! You’ll never likely have to ask me twice!! I have loooooong lists of quilty things I want to try “one day”…. patterns to make, gadgets to play with, embellishments and paints and markers and machines and .attachments and ……. and …… and……. and that doesn’t include the countless really cool things I have seen and forgotten along the way. “Try a New Technique” is practically my quilting motto!

Finishing a project I’ve started while trying a new technique…… now that’s a slightly different story…..  but this month I am going to nail that one too. 🙂

Island Batik badge

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Colour Inspiration Tuesday: March is Yellow

March is Yellow Color Scheme from Clever Chameleon

Colour Inspiration Tuesday: The next Colour in the 2018 Monthly Color Challenge is Yellow!

March has just about snuck up on us already, and that means it’s time to start getting our heads around next month’s quilt challenge colour. This year, at Clever Chameleon, the colour of the month is defined as our monthly focus colour in Jen Shaffer’s Monthly Color Challenge and blog hop. You still have a couple of days to link up your February blue creations at Jen’s – but only a couple, so please don’t forget! As beautiful as blue is, March will be all about yellow.

2018 Monthly Color Challenge

Yellow. Our next colour of the month is such a cheery, happy colour when used in its purest hues in the right amounts. Today we are going to give ourselves a dose of yellow exuberance to welcome in the new month of yellow challenges.

March is Yellow. The Colour of Emoji, Lego Men and Minions. Definitely not my favourite colour, but used wisely, yellow is a blast of sunshine! 🙂

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Colour Inspiration Tuesday: Blood Blue Moon

Blood Blue Moon color scheme by Clever Chameleon

Once in a Blue Moon……

Sounds rare doesn’t it? Actually, blue moons (second full moons in a calendar month) happen surprisingly often. Like my crazy quilt ideas. 🙂 But full lunar eclipses are much rarer. And my glimpse of the blue moon lunar eclipse at the start of this month was even rarer again. The elusive blood blue moon. I had to stay up until nearly 1am to get a five minute glimpse of this lunar eclipse in the only break in the clouds all night. I was the only one in my household who bothered.

But it was totally worth it. Those five minutes were surreal, magical even. After taking a few amateur photos that turned out better than expected, I simply sat on the concrete path, still warm from the summer’s day, and watched. By myself, in the silence. Just me and the bizarre red moon. Until the clouds rolled back over and I went to bed feeling strangely moved.

Colour Inspiration Tuesday: Blood Blue Moon

A moment like that deserves to be quilted. Continue reading “Colour Inspiration Tuesday: Blood Blue Moon”

Colour Inspiration Tuesday: Happy Galentine’s Day

Galentine's Day color scheme by Clever Chameleon

Happy Galentine’s Day! Colour Inspiration Tuesday meets Island Batik Ambassador project theme… Crazy about My BFF!

Galentines Day mug rug quilt

island Batik logoAfter Local Quilt Shop Day, the next theme on the Island Batik calendar is 13th February – Galentine’s Day. Galentine’s Day?! Yes. GAL-antine’s Day, for celebrating Gal-friends, ie your best girl pals, BFFs.

To celebrate Galentine’s Day, the Island Batik Ambassadors are creating mug rugs or quilted postcards or similar in a Galentine’s theme. For reasons that will become clear in a moment, my Galentine is created with crayon not batiks. My Galentine is also a little tongue in cheek rather than sentimental, and I hope it will make you smile. As a bonus I have turned my Galentine into a virtual postcard that you can download for free and send to all your friends. If you’re game! But before we get to that……

Gettin’ in the mood!

Apparently, Galentine’s Day is  the unofficial holiday for chicks……

pink chick

…… to ditch the boys…….

Awwwww. Sad.  🙁

……. and celebrate…….

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Colour Inspiration Tuesday Collection 5

Colour Inspiration Tuesday Collection 5

Colour Inspiration Tuesday Collection Number 5

It feels like a really long time since I have put out a Colour Inspiration Tuesday Collection. In fact, it is a long time in the life of a blog…. 12 weeks, with Christmas and New Year and two Beary Colourful Bear patterns and all sorts since then!

Since the last Colour Inspiration Tuesday Collection there have been a lot of people come on board with the Beary Colourful BOM and the Monthly Colour Challenge who may not have explored the dim dark past of the Chameleon. I am truly delighted to have you all join us, and I hope you will also enjoy some of the other ideas that I explore here in between the bears. 

A quick summary of the ideas behind Colour Inspiration Tuesday Collection 5…..

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