Meet Mario and Luigi, the Dauntless Dynamic Duo!

The Island Batik Ambassador challenge for December is to make something 3D. So, today we have….. two 3Ds. Two delightfully dapper dudes! 😀 I made these two penguin guys from a Funky Friends Factory pattern and dressed them in the dashing designer decor of my nephew’s favourite game characters. And so my main project for the 3D challenge is decidedly, definitely, done.
My new penguin pals are only staying with me until Christmas, as they have a plan to adopt said nephew and move in with him. I believe their idea is to wrap themselves in paper and stealth themselves into his life by pretending to be presents. A dazzlingly daring design. I think it just might work!
But first, these distinguished dinkum dreamboats must earn their keep by taking a turn to show off their Island Batik credentials. No dogged dull drudgery here though…. Mario and Luigi had plenty of fun on their photo shoot at their choice of delectable day destination….. I’m assured that a day at the local playground and wetlands is a penguin’s most dearly desired dream.
Here’s what happened when two 3D penguins were asked to strut their Island Batik stuff…..
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