Still Working on Things

Another sneak peek today for the Once Upon a Story blog hop. Today I’m pulling my Hares out. Don’t worry, just my applique ones. And I am not reverse-stitching, just unveiling. 🙂
Remember last week, how we met the Ogre from Puss in Boots? And how he turned out not to be such a bad guy after all, even filling in briefly for the AWOL Chameleon? Well, today we add the Ogre’s castle and more of his possessions to the Ogre and partridges panel. Did you know that the group noun for hares is a drove?
Anyway, we now have on my Once Upon a Story block: a covey of partridges; an ugly of ogre; a drove of hares; and a castle…..
All we need now for this quilt block is……. an attitude of cat…..

Yeah, not that one….. the other one. Puss in Boots.
Continue reading “Pulling my Hares Out: Colour & Inspiration Tuesday”