The Soul of the Party at Love with a Twist…..

You know that intolerable squeaky noise that balloons make when they are twisted and folded into shapes? Well, did you know, that’s actually the trapped soul of a departed parrot? The screeching balloon is passing on the parrot’s desire to party one last time before he heads off to wreak havoc in the afterlife. True! 😀 So, today we shall give the parrot soul a party-balloon body – perhaps that will satisfy him and he will leave after the cake without torturing us any further. One can only hope!
In October, we are onto our last two standard Blocks for the Love with a Twist quilt along – Blocks 9A and 9B. Today we have the free pattern for Block 9A. Read on to collect your parrot balloon pattern and enjoy Snowball the partying Cockatoo’s funky dance moves on Youtube if you wish. Happy weekend everyone!
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