Wishing all my Canadian friends a wonderful holiday for the coming weekend
Australians as a whole don’t do Thanksgiving, although many traditional churches do have a low-key harvest thanksgiving service in our late summer or early autumn. But I like thankfulness, and since it’s likely impossible to indulge in too much thankfulness, the Chameleon and I are getting on the Canadian bandwagon today. Happy Thanksgiving for the weekend and Monday, Canadian friends and everyone!

It wasn’t until last year that I became aware that Canada has its own Thanksgiving Day, separate from the American occasion. And then I forgot again. Until I was reminded recently by Ann on Instagram, after I showed previews of my current Island Batik project. And of course, I was also reminded again right here by several friends on Tuesday. So while, I wasn’t initially planning on having this project done in time for Canada’s holiday, I have since become enthused. After all, my Canadian readers might make up only 10% of my views, but easily several times that percentage of my commenters. You Canadians are such a friendly and encouraging bunch, punching way above your comment weight, and for that I am genuinely thankful.
And so it happens, that I have pulled out all the stops to have a Friday, Canadian Thanksgiving, Island Batik Ambassador October challenge finish. If you are not Canadian, like me and 90% of my readers, then today you get to take an extra, small thankful pause for free. And, if you’ve been eagerly awaiting for the turkey’s reverse side since Tuesday, then be extra thankful. Today’s your lucky day! Your wait has been cut very short and you are about to cop an eyeful.
You’re welcome. 😀
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