Vintage Reimagined with Island Batik

Matha Bingley's crazy diamond quilt

“Give the Past a Personal Touch”

That is the monthly challenge for Island Batik Ambassadors this March. An invitation to reimagine a vintage quilt (or a building or furniture or another artefact of some kind) into a new quilt.

Vintage reimagined challenge

As the muse for my challenge piece, I have chosen an early Australian quilt by Martha Bingley. Not much is known about Martha Bingley or her quilt (pictured above). Except for one picture of her and the information contained on the quilt itself. There’s a good reminder to label your quilts right there, people!

Martha’s crazy quilt is now owned by Annette Gero. It is also featured in Annette’s book about Australian quilting history called “The Fabric of Society – Australia’s Quilt Heritage from Convict Times to 1960”. The quilt is dated 1883 and is slightly unusual for its time and place. Perfect Chameleon fodder!

Can you see why this quilt is notable? Let’s take a moment to muse this quilt from yesteryear. And I’ll share with you where reimaging vintage Australian quilts has led me so far.

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