I was going to pass. No blogging this week….
The Chameleon was just not in the mood. Grumpy. Not enough sewing, for one. My laptop ate my homework for another (no joke, literally corrupted my assignment during the last save, between proofread and submit….(&*$%@!!!) and we are all suffering varying degrees of end-of-school-term-itis here, etc etc. Nothing serious. Just pecked to death by the gloom duck, even after hubby helped me retrieve *most* of my assignment from wherever it is that corrupted files go to die.
But then I read through the link ups at last week’s Colour & Inspiration Party and felt sooo much better. Little rays of sunshine everywhere, encouraging the Chameleon to lighten up.
From this…. (perhaps not really quite this bad!)…..

To this….. (also maybe not quite this sunny, but you get the idea).

And, I thought, if I needed a bit of eye-candy to help get things going in the right direction again, then maybe so does at least one of the Chameleon’s quilty friends. So, the Chameleon is showing up and getting on with it. I have actually finished the next block on the Lunarcy Quilt (Year of the Horse). Done in advance, as I knew this week wouldn’t likely be pretty, even before I naively underestimated the curve balls. Thankfully I worked really hard last week to get ahead. And of course, when all else fails we can always Party! 😀
Lunarcy always lurks in the background….
Untouched all week, my Lunarcy quilt is mocking me a little. So is the cat, who thinks I have given up chucking him off it. But last week I chalked up this extra block. So I can still show you something new: Year of the Horse.

If the horse was my birth symbol I think this would be my favourite block. As it is, it can only come in second. I hope all you Horses out there are thrilled!

Disclaimer: Island Batik supplied these fabrics to me free of charge to create the prototype Lunarcy BOM available here soon at Clever Chameleon for the remainder of 2020.

Sunshine in my Pocket and a Quilt Hanging on my Wall….

Last week’s linky here was a festival of sunshine, helped along by some of the participants of Carla’s latest blog hop: Stitching Sunshine at Creatin’ in the Sticks. I will tell you that Carla’s own quilt was amazing! Don’t forget to check out her whole hop, especially her own hop quilt, which you can find here.
Stitching Sunshine participants who swung by the Chameleon’s party last week, in no particular order, to brighten your day….

Pamela of Pamela Quilts linked up four sunny projects. My favourite two are made from orphan blocks of another project. Isn’t this wall hanging size quilt just glorious? There’s a beautiful table runner to go with it.

The Chameleon saw Turid’s contribution to the Stitching Sunshine blog hop and knew immediately where he intends to sleep tonight. In the middle of the bed, taking up as much room as possible, just like a cat. 😀 Maybe he’ll feel better in the morning after sleeping like royalty. It certainly looks comfy over at Turid’s blog, Den syende Himmel.

Vasudha at Storied Quilts has hit it out of the park again. This is a quilt that appeals on both a visual level and a maths-nerd level…. a tribute to solar eclipses using Pi, yet without being over-thought! With a name like “Totally Irrational”, what Lunarcy-loving Chameleon would not have taken the chance to insert himself into this one!

Another very fascinating sunshine stop is at Denise’s For the Love of Geese. Have you ever seen a dimensional dresden before? The Chameleon doesn’t remember ever having seen one like Denise’s… the sun in her little garden scene is just terrific. The Chameleon is always a sucker for fabric folding and other fun textures in quilts. Head over to her post for a closer look at how she created her sun dresden.

Last, but not least, Susan of Quilt Fabrication linked up her latest pattern “Celilo”. Like all the other Stitching Sunshine posts, this quilt has such a happy vibe that it was too hard to stay gloomy. Soon the Chameleon was tigger-bouncing from one happy post to the next, all through the hop. I hope you will get a chance to have a look at some of the other blogs on the list too.

And now show us what you are working on….
Because it’s Party Time again!

You never know who might need to see your creation this week. What are you working on, or have recently finished in your sewing room? We want to know so we can visit and be inspired. Link up a blog post, an IG post or simply a photo from your computer. See if you can get the Chameleon to turn quilted with happiness. We’d love to see your quilting colours!
- Link up your latest or recent quilt/sewing excitement. All quilt construction stages welcome – finished quilts, quilt blocks – even fabric pulls! Or inspiration sources!
- You have 50 characters in the link description…. tell us who you are and what your fantastic project is.
- URL links are not necessary to link up…. non-bloggers 100% welcome! If you don’t have a URL, you can link up with just a photo.
- Take a moment to visit some friends who came to the party – leave a little love and make their day. And a link back to Clever Chameleon is always appreciated.
- Do it now……. before you forget!

The Chameleon turns rainbow with pleasure when he hears from you. Now that it’s your turn…. Scroll to the end and tell me what you think. Thanks for connecting!
Would you like to keep in touch with Clever Chameleon and the fun quilty ideas I design as well as find all over the internet? You can follow directly for email updates, or through Bloglovin’, Pinterest, IG or FB. All your follow options can be found here. Don’t forget to link up all your current quilting projects on Tuesdays at our Colour & Inspiration Linky parties!
Sometimes we need to go through the “grumpy” in order to appreciate the “sunshine”. Oh but your block with the horse is lovely. this quilt is such a shining example of love and art.
I have been sewing, but on projects I can’t show yet. In the meantime I’ve been making pincushions and other little projects. Nothing to link up today – I need to find a way to remind myself to list linkies in my posts! I am so sorry to hear about your computer eating your homework – that would put me in a definite funk. Thank goodness you were able to retrieve some of it.
I’m glad you didn’t pass, this post is beautiful!!
Math-induced ‘Totally Irrational’ is fantastic – especially with your yellow friend peeking out!
What am I working on? My website reno – which was almost ready, but then the new hosting site got ‘irrational’ right before we were to sign over completely and unplug our ‘old’ hosting site…Glad for the last minute halt on our part, but geez…
Good news is that the next step to another hosting site might be easier as much of what we sloughed through pa ed the way to an easier transition.
Oh and I, too, have a little help from my techie hubby…tho I try hard to not abuse that connection!
Love the Horse block…do you applique the pieces…paper fuse, or fabric glue…Have a great day!
So glad you made it today, after a rough week! Your lunar calendar quilt is coming along amazingly!!!
Oh my goodness, Dione — plucked to death by the Gloom Duck? And the moldy, dead sunflower… Even Pooh’s friend Eyore can’t surpass you in melancholy metaphors! I am sorry you had such a rough week. We have all had them, probably most of us recently since the whole world has seemed to go completely off-kilter through the pandemic, etc. I’m glad your sunflower spirit has perked up again to the point that you could start back on your Lunarcy quilt again. Those cheerful fabrics are wonderful when your spirit needs a lift, I find.
Hi Dione! I, too, am glad you didn’t pass this week. And even if the chameleon does feel grumpy and not wanting to post, there are those of us here who may feel the same way. That may urge us right out of that funk in order to cheer the chameleon up, or it may make us giggle just thinking about it. Especially when seeing that first sunflower photo! Sometimes being grumpy is fun in spite of friends trying to slowly urge us to stay grumpy at all costs. {{Hugs}} I’m glad DH could help you recover some of your post. What the heck?!! Where do corrupt posts GO to die anyway?!! ~smile~ Roseanne
I am so sorry you were pecked to gloom by that duck, but glad you were lifted by the sunshine hop! So many lovely quilts in it. Hope you are having a better time. My lovely son is here for a few days…I will get next to nothing done…I am trying to learn to rejoice in that!
The Chameleon looks good in blue and yellow! I’ve been fighting the grumpies myself. I need less news and more quilting in my life for sure!
I know what you mean about the kind of lull in blogging. The horse block is fabulous! As are the examples you pulled from the hop, and yes Carla’s quilt was insane! As in insanely gorgeous. 🙂