The last Colour Inspiration Tuesday of 2017, and the first of our 2018 Monthly Colour Inspiration series
In 2018 it is my intention to set aside the last Colour Inspiration Tuesday of each month to look forward to the incoming “Colour of the Month”. The Colour of the Month is the colour that we will focus on each month in Jen Shaffer’s Monthly Color Challenge and blog hop.
The Colour of the Month for January 2018 is Red. And today, being the last Tuesday before January, I am painting the town!
January is Red. Where can red take us…..?
Red is strong, red is loud and attention seeking. Red is demanding, warning, luring. Red is the colour of danger, the colour of speed and adventure, and the colour of rescue. Red declares the most passionate of loves!
Red is delicious ……. or poisonous. One thing is certain, red is never boring! Red stimulates appetite, causes tension, and generates excitement. Red is the colour of opportunity, wealth and prosperity. Red is glorious.
Red deepens to purple……
….. and lightens to orange.
A little red can go a long way. It loves to accent white, grey and black colour schemes. Red is very powerful.
It looks great with its complement, green. But blue and red runs deepest in many a people groups’ veins.
Will you be seeing red in January?
Are you joining the 2018 Monthly Color Challenge? If so, where will the colour red take you? A red block for a rainbow quilt? Like Jen’s red block or my red appliqué bear?
Or are you a true lover of red? Whether it is a red block, a red pin cushion, a red pillow or an entire really red quilt. I can’t wait to see what everyone shares!

Today, red is already in the air at my house. I have been making binding for the Vanuatu Turtle Quilt.
If you wish to explore the world of red quilty projects, here are a few to get you started:
My own Vanuatu Turtle Quilt
Red Nanny’s Red Quilt (That Patchwork Principle 2013)
Red Crazy Pieced Quilt (Exuberant Color, Dec 2017)
The Year of the Red and White Quilt (Lynn Carson Harris 2014)
Red & White Patchwork Quilt (Gold Shoe Girl 2016)
I have also started a Pinterest Board dedicated to red quilts and related sewing.
And more Colour Inspiration Tuesdays where we have looked at red include:

No Red and Blue yet….
It seems we haven’t done blue and red colour scheme yet. We will have to rectify that.
Not long to go now….. 2018 is less than a week away. I have a great feeling that it is going to be a marvellous quilty year! Have you had a think about your goals for 2018 (if you are a goal setting type)? My main quilting goal is to end 2018 with less UFOs than I started with!!!
P.S. All of the red photos featured today are the work of the generous photographers who use the Unsplash distribution platform. If you would like to use any of these photos (they are all free and without strings attached), or find the talented photographers who took them, head over to my Red Collection here.
P.P.S. Sharing on Crazy Mom Quilts