It’s only the 24th of February and I have completed this month’s planned Love with a Twist February blocks. And even better, the patterns too! Wonders never cease!

Today’s Love Balloon pattern is the second option for the large centre block of the Love with a Twist throw size quilts. You’ll also need it for the twin size quilt. It’s an easy block, I think the fastest so far. It only has two fabrics and no extra details to embroider.
Grab your pdf pattern download below, take a quick look at the assembly order and go for it. We all love a quick project. Also, once you have grabbed your pattern, it’d be great if you’d share your win with your friends. It’s always good to share the love around!

About the Love with a Twist Signature Appliqué Block
There really is nothing much to tell about this block. Except perhaps that you must be careful not to cut it in reverse. Most of the blocks can face either direction, but of course letter and words are not so accommodating. Lasting Love is Block 6A of the Love with a Twist quilt along.
You may notice (you will now) that between designing this block and sewing it down I moved the heart balloon to the right slightly. The final pattern reflects these changes, but my construction photos are from the original draft. Of course you can place your heart balloon wherever you like….. you could even fill it with helium and have it floating for a more heady, loved up experience if it takes your fancy. 🙂

Here’s my Lasting Love appliqué in Ditty colours by Island Batik for my twin size version of Love with a Twist. Love might be colour blind, but I am not, and I am loving these hues!

Things to remember as you sew along with Love with a Twist
- There are two throw versions of this quilt, which can be re-mixed into a twin size quilt. The instructions to cut and construct the throw quilts can be found here and for the twin quilt, here.
- Today’s Lasting Love appliqué is Block 6A of Love with a Twist, and our fourth core download to date. It is one of the options for the centre of the throw quilts.
- We have already had the Dippy Dog and Pretty Poodle blocks in January. And Happy Hog this month. We have also had too much fun with a bonus block of a flying pig.
Download your Lasting Love pdf pattern here
The everlasting love balloon is our second option for Block 6 of the throw-sized version of Love with a Twist quilt. Download Lasting Love here:
**** It is really important that you print this pdf at 100%, otherwise your pattern pieces will be the wrong size for the quilt blocks. Turn off any “fit to page” options in your printer dialog and ensure that the printout size is set to 100%. There are check boxes supplied in the document. If your printout is successful, these will measure 1″ square. The document is designed to fit on US Letter and A4 paper. ****
What you will need to make the (raw-edge appliqué) Lasting Love block:
If you have not pre-constructed your quilt top, you will need background fabric for your appliqué:
- If you are making Block 6A for the throw size quit you will need a background fabric piece of 16″ x 20″. This measurement does not include any trimming allowance.
- To make Block 6A for the twin size quilt you will need a background fabric piece of 16.5″ x 18.5″. Again, this measurement does not include any trimming allowance.
- So, if you use a piece of fabric 16.5″ x 20″ or more, you will keep your options open and have a small trimming allowance 🙂
You will also need:
- two main fabrics for the love balloons. The heart and ‘V’ shapes require (approx. 10″ x 9″). And the ‘L’ and ‘E’ shapes need a second fabric approx. 10″ x 8″. My orange, mint and ice cream coloured Love block is appliquéd with Island Batik fabrics from the Ditty collection, given to me by Island Batik.
- fusible paper-backed fabric adhesive , approx 10″ x 17″
- thin batting for trapunto or your favourite stabiliser for stitching (optional)
- general tools and notions: sewing machine, iron etc, teflon ironing sheet or non-stick paper, small sharp scissors, pencil, quilting pins, grease-proof/tracing paper, machine embroidery or sewing threads for appliqué and embroidery
How to put together the Lasting Love Appliqué
Trace your appliqué shapes directly onto the backing paper of your fusible adhesive. Fuse the shapes to the back of your fabric, according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Then cut out each shape and remove the backing papers. They go together as follows:
Step 1
Assemble the 4-page layout diagram supplied and cover with an ironing sheet/non-stick paper. Position appliqué pieces L1, L4, L8, L9 and L10 in place and secure them temporarily by touching them briefly with the tip of a hot iron.

Step 2
Add pieces L2, L5, L12, L13 and L14 next.

Step 3
Now add L5, L6, L16 and L17.

Step 4
And then L7 and L11.

Step 5
Finish off with piece L15.

Step 6
Give your appliqué a thorough pressing and transfer to your background fabric.

Stitch your appliqué down using your favourite method. The sample I have shown uses free-motion straight stitching over a low-loft polyester batting. I layer my appliqué over the polyester batting and secure with quilting pins. Then I stitch around my shapes 5-6 times to secure them thoroughly. And finish by removing the excess batting with curved blade scissors/snips.
Looking Forward

I am a little undecided which blocks to do next for March….. but I think it will probably be the Swan and Koala combo. I was originally going to do the Duck and Frog next, but I have the Koala fabrics out looking at me. Everyone loves a Kuddly Koala! And I haven’t decided on frog fabrics yet, so I expect I will take the path of least resistance. I am loving that it really doesn’t matter! We will get to do them all eventually.
In the meantime I would love to see any Love with a Twist blocks you have started. If you are on Instagram, tag #lovewithatwistquilt or #cleverchameleonquilting or mention @cleverchameleon to get my attention. Or link up to any Tuesday Colour & Inspiration party. You can also post on my Clever Chameleon facebook page. Or, of course, there is always good old-fashioned email. 🙂

The Chameleon turns rainbow with pleasure when he hears from you. I am more reserved, so I will respond in gratitude by email instead. Now that it’s your turn…. Scroll right to the end, leave me a comment and tell me, what do you think? Thanks for connecting!
P.S. Joining in when I can at these fabulous linky parties: Midweek Makers, Main Crush Monday, BOMs Away, DrEAMi, Wait Loss Wednesday, Needle and Thread Thursday, Friday Foto Fun, Finished or Not Friday, Whoop Whoop Fridays, TGIFF, UFO Busting, What I made Monday, Moving it Forward Monday, Show and Tell Monday, Modern Patch Monday, Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, To-do Tuesday.
Would you like to keep in touch with Clever Chameleon and the fun quilty ideas I design as well as find all over the internet? You can follow directly for email updates, or through Bloglovin’, Pinterest, IG or FB. All your follow options can be found here. Don’t forget to link up all your current quilting projects on Tuesdays at our Colour & Inspiration Linky parties!
The pattern seems ideal for a child. Here is hoping I get enough time soon to make this.
Love the letters. This is so cute!!
Thank you for another great block! My daughter gave me a little applique iron that makes working on these blocks so much easier than trying to touch with just the tip of my iron. Having fun!!
Thanks Dione. I LOVE the Batik fabrics used in this one.
LOVE it 🙂 Love the colors, love the fabric, love the design! xx
Creative! I don’t think I’ve seen anyone making balloon letters. Very cool, and thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday!
This is a fun block and perfect for February! Love those fabrics.
Love that subtle shift of the heart – we all have to do that sometimes don’t we. I do think stuffing them with helium would be fun, too. I look forward to seeing some of these showing up in the blogsphere soon.
It’s so fun to see these emerge! I really enjoy both of the colorways.