Nothing is Perfect
Lucky! Because nothing much is exactly what I’ve got for you today. I did finish a UFO on Sunday, but it’s such an embarrassingly late and little finish that I am a bit loath to share it. Just a drop in the ocean of UFOs! But in anticipation of the unfortunate likelihood that I will be scraping the bottom of the barrel for projects finished for my PhD come December, I’ll record it now. That and it might make some of you feel better about a stalled project or two. It happens to the best of us. And me. And you are probably not as slack as me!
Apart from that, I’ve been busy wrangling children to appointments and classes, cats to the vet, boxes into the newly acquired trailer, dirt from house nooks and crannies we didn’t even know we had. Yup, hubby and I actually found a new nook in our house after 10 years of ownership…. at 4am this morning….. true story!
Not Idle, more Flat Out like a Lizard Drinking….
And busy people make mistakes. I am the poster child this week…..
Here’s admission number one for today…. failing to add a label and hanging sleeve to a quiltlet and put it in the mail, because it had no deadline. The label had to be printed, and the original finish coincided with a lack of functional printer….. etc etc etc. Bad timing leading to a loss of momentum. All completely inexcusable because the finish was totally within my grasp for the better part of the last two years if I’d even remotely tried.
This was a small art quilt for the 70273 Project, which you can read about here.
But it’s done now. It wasn’t on my list of targeted PhD finishes, as it was 1) too little left to do; and 2) too embarrassingly late. But since January is looking otherwise sewing-free for me, I’ll have to take the win. Finishing it has eased a guilt, so on that level it is significant. And it actually brought me pleasure, remembering that blogging this particular quilt was when I first “met” my online friend, Ann of Laughing Gas Quilts.
I’ve had a screw loose…….
Admission number two…. not quilting related, more the inspiration for this week’s colours…. Last night, at not much before midnight I was trying to “get ahead” by cleaning the oven. Actually the wonderful oven cleans itself through pyrolysis, I just have to clean the racks. Preferably without knocking a rack screw down the kitchen sink drain though…..
After a few choice words, and a look at the U-bend under the sink, I went to bed in disgust. Hubby was already there, and I figured that if the screw was perchance caught in the U-bend, it wasn’t going anywhere for the rest of the night. The dishes fairies are locally extinct, I believe.
However, the screw didn’t stay put until morning…. hubby is a light sleeper and often gets up in the night, and when I rose for an anti-inflammatory at about 4am, he was pottering. The confession was made and he was up for an adventure right then!….. Actually it was a bit of fun, Sir Plumbing Novice trying to rescue Madam All Thumbs and retrieve a critical piece of infrastructure…. in the end, the solution was quite boring: one undone pipe join (him) and a deft scoop with a parfait spoon (me) saw that sucker out of there (thankfully). But not before we found a secret panel in a wall. Which hid nothing but plumbing, but promised long lost treasure in an Enid Blyton kind of way…. and the anticipation of looking in there at 4 in the morning was reward enough. hahaha. Then we took a cheap shot at our defenseless sleeping daughter in the great Gardner-Stephen peg war of 2020…. and went back to bed.
Something New this way comes
Last week’s linky party was full of all things new. Here’s a taste…… don’t forget to check last week’s post for the rest of the participants.
New family: congrats Denise at For the Love of Geese on your new MIL status.

New interesting things I didn’t know: The Circle of Life with Andrée at Quilting and Learning Combo.

New resolutions at Donnaleeq. UFO busting never looked so good!

And new studio decor at Quilt Fabrication by Susan. Nice!

The Chameleon thinks he might hang out here until his staff have finished moving house back in Australia….. Did I mention that the local council are resurfacing our street this week? No vehicle access to our street from 7am to 5pm, from yesterday to Friday. You can imagine how that is helping my moving plans, not……..!
Which leads me to say that I think that the Chameleon may need to have a blogging holiday or at least change of schedule until February, so this week’s linky will stay open until Feb 3, join as many times as you wish. We will be on the road next Tuesday, and at school orientation the Tuesday after that. Writing time will be scarce. But if I have fun moving house stories to share, and the opportunity, you will be the first to know! Or maybe I’ll have Lunar New Year Quilt fabric purchases to show…. fingers crossed!

Tell us – what are you working on, or have recently finished in your sewing room? We want to know so we can visit and be inspired. Link up a blog post, an IG post or simply a photo from your computer. See if you can get the Chameleon to turn quilted with happiness. We’d love to see your quilting colours!
- Link up your latest or recent quilt/sewing excitement. All quilt construction stages welcome – finished quilts, quilt blocks – even fabric pulls! Or inspiration sources!
- You have 50 characters in the link description…. tell us who you are and what your fantastic project is.
- URL links are not necessary to link up…. non-bloggers 100% welcome! If you don’t have a URL, you can link up with just a photo.
- Take a moment to visit some friends who came to the party – leave a little love and make their day. And a link back to Clever Chameleon is always appreciated.
- Do it now……. before you forget!

The Chameleon turns rainbow with pleasure when he hears from you. Now that it’s your turn…. Scroll right to the end, leave me a comment and tell me, what do you think? Thanks for connecting!
Would you like to keep in touch with Clever Chameleon and the fun quilty ideas I design as well as find all over the internet? You can follow directly for email updates, or through Bloglovin’, Pinterest, IG or FB. All your follow options can be found here. Don’t forget to link up all your current quilting projects on Tuesdays at our Colour & Inspiration Linky parties!
Droplet photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash
Wow, a plumbing adventure at 4 in the morning – I am amazed. Paving your road – don’t they know you need it??? I do think it is brilliant that the chameleon is taking a break, or rather having a long snooze until s/he wakes all settled into a new locale and can then face the industry of your followers. Good luck with it all!
Nothing to link up this week, but maybe next. Gosh, you two sure know how to have fun in the wee hours of the morning – haha! You have just a bit going on in your life; I’m excited for your move. I’m sure you are too – excited to have it done – right?! That 70273 mini is really nice. Thanks for making one!
Thank you Dione, you are so kind. Wishing you well with the move and looking forward to a new year of your adventures and quilting. Love the quilt.
What a middle of the night story!!! Haha! Best wishes for your move! I’m excited to read about it when you’re on the other side.
It made me tired just reading your post. Taking apart drain pipes and packing for a move are all in my past I hope. I certainly understand about needing a break for a couple of weeks and hope your move goes smoothly.
My goodness! Such a story! I’m usually up that early, but certainly not cleaning nooks and crannies, or removing pipe drains. But I get it, you’re moving, and all restraints go out the window!
Will be thinking of you with all the extra NOT necessary crap going on like street resurfacing!! Screws lost!! Nooks found–cool! Loved the story I could just ‘see’ you two.
Good luck with your move – in spite of the curveball thrown in with the street works!
Hi glad the move went sort of well,I remember having to chop down bushes so the removal guys could get into the new home.we bought the worst house in the best street and 14 years later it’s ok now warm and comfortable and paid for yippee!!
I haven’t done any sewing at all having been laid low by a bout of influenza ,that’s one Christmas I won’t miss. I’ve been watching a news article today a group of ladies have got together and are knitting jumpers and blankets for kolas. The TV footage has been heartbreaking especially kolas holding water bottles,the fires are devastating and hopefully things will be better soon for everyone
Hi Dione! That 4am adventure sounds exactly like something we would do. How fab that you could save that runaway screw rather easily. How convenient that you enjoyed road repair all week. Yeah, that wouldn’t impact moving at all. {{Hugs}} Good luck with the move. I’ll be sending you good vibes, and look forward to hearing all the fun details. ~smile~ Roseanne
I love the 70273 quilt! The size variation and placement creates a special focus.
Good luck with the house move. Hope you are able to settle in quickly so you can get back to more enjoyable adventures with a sewing machine.
Hi Dione, all the best this week…and we all have a couple of those embarrassing UFOs. May as well make the most of it – you have a very busy time ahead of you!
The moment I spotted that XX quilt, before I started reading, I thought, “That’s how I met Dion”. And you remembered that, too! May you have many more middle of the night adventures involving…Never mind. glad the moving prep isn’t all drudgery.