Welcome back to Colour Inspiration Tuesday! Today we are exploring a new FMQ mini tutorial “She’ll be Apples”.
Last week I was suddenly inspired to quilt my next charity quilt. I’ve had the pinned quilt in my possession since before Christmas, but I always knew it wasn’t going to get touched until January. Partly because December is a ridiculously busy time of year, and partly because it wasn’t “speaking to me”. In fact, it was confusing me slightly…. apples and roses on one side, autumn leaves, nuts and berries on the other. I quite like both sides, but struggled to choose one quilting theme to make sense of this quilt.

After musing over this quilt for some time, on and off, and getting it out several times and putting it away again, inspiration finally struck. I was in a right-brain kind of mood and scrolling through photos on Unsplash over a coffee when I spotted the picture of apples I have used on today’s mood board. And it all somehow just fell into place. I *just knew* I had to quilt apples, but not just any apples. Apples with a little bit of cheeky thrown in!
The “She’ll be Apples” FMQ Motif
I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started doodling. First I started with a continuous line apple motif.
Then I thought, what if the apple has a bite taken out of it? Well, that’s easy.
And it’s no more trouble to take several bites, is it?
But what if the apple has a worm in it? A friendly worm, of course!
And of course, I couldn’t resist…… The worm and the bite combination! This one’s for my daughter, who is at that age where one of her favourite jokes is “What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?” “Half a worm…..” Hahahaha Snort. Oh the joys of childhood! Anyway, I was mostly well behaved….. I only put this combo on the quilt once. And I did overrule my daughter’s request for the apple and half a worm motif…..
She’ll be Apples Quilting in Real Life
Here are some pics of the quilting up close, and of the little charity quilt all done. Sorry, the quilting does not show well – which is exactly how I wanted the quilt to be, but it is excruciating to try to photograph.

It didn’t take very long to quilt this little lap quilt. Once I had got the hang of the basic apple shape, I found quilting these to be quite quick and easy. In fact, I had the whole thing finished before I realised that there is another apple variation that I could have added. The half apple. No matter, I will save this idea for another day.
If you would like to give the apple motifs a go, I have made you a printable reference page, which you can download here: She’ll be Apples pdf
And here is the finished quilt. The quilting has made it crinkly and cuddly. 🙂
So, that’s my January One Monthly Goal done and dusted! I promised you I’d had a lot of fun with it!
I hope you have enjoyed this little project and might put some apples on a quilt soon. My daughter is currently requesting apples on the Regatta Quilt I am making for her. Yes, complete with a half-worm apple. It’s not what I had in mind at all……. the big question is…. “How old will she be before such a thing becomes “cringe-worthy”?” The Regatta Quilt is supposed to take her forward into her teens. Then again, maybe I should just do it. Kids are not young for very long. are they? And there’ll be plenty more quilts. Thankfully there is still some thinking time on this until I get to the quilting stage of the Regatta Quilt. I’ll see what she thinks when I actually get that far.
P.S. Photo Credits
The photo which sparked the apple motifs was supplied for free by Marina Khrapova via Unsplash. You can find this photo, as well as many others I have used for Colour Inspiration Tuesdays here. They are all available for free for you to use in your own projects however you wish.
P.P.S Linking up with Freemotion by the River, Free Motion Mavericks. Elm Street Quilts
I love the apples, all of them. Later, I hope to try them out. Today I’ve been working n my reds for January.
Thank you for the pattern. I am always looking for new motifs to try.
lovely apple templates, and the finished quilt is a beauty.
Adorable motif. Thank you. Gorgeous quilt.
I simply LOVE the apples. They are so cute. Can’t wait to try them. Thanks.
The apple motif is perfect, especially since you used apple green thread! I say, go ahead and quilt apples on the Regatta quilt. If it does become “cringe-worthy” it will only be for a while. Then she’ll get a kick out of it!
Fun quilt and such a wonderful quilting pattern. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.