Our second dose of small and cute for April
This month’s second Love with a Twist block is one of my personal favourites. Toddling Turtle. He’s cute, he’s friendly and he doesn’t take long to put together.

And he’s wearing full body-armour, which I think is what I need to install on my 8 year old! This is what happens when you let dads play with their sons unsupervised folks…. a buckle fracture caused by too much fun on the trampoline, followed by an evening in the paediatric emergency dept. Life…. it’s what happens to you while you are trying to quilt!
Toddling Turtle is our second option for Love with a Twist Block 8, and our alternative for Bonny Butterfly, who we saw a few weeks ago. Keep reading to collect your turtle balloon pdf pattern and find out all the details for making the most of the next block of the Love with a Twist quilt along.
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