The World’s as Crazy as a bored Cockatoo…..
Well! How the world can change in just two weeks!
Just double checking…. yup, it’s only been two weeks since my last post. It certainly feels like an age, doesn’t it? Life has flipped on its head a bit since then.

Last week, my family went to our once-a-term face-to-face school event for my kids’ School of the Air. I’ll admit: I second guessed the wisdom of it the whole time as the coronavirus situation worsened. Which made it quite stressful. Now we are thankfully home again, and essentially barricaded in within the (considerable) boundaries of the wildlife sanctuary we call home. Arkaroola as a tourist destination has stopped accepting guests as of yesterday and staff/residents who go off site now will be required to self-isolate on return. So I am cancelling everything except online schooling, blogging, chatting via email, sewing and exploring the wilderness in my immediate proximity. I feel fortunate…. it’s pretty much what I signed up for in 2020 anyway. We are disappointed not to be hosting friends/family in the coming months of course, and worried for everyone too, but we are also mindful that counting our blessings is much easier for us than for many people.
How are you?
So today I am just really checking in to check up on you. I hope you are well and safe and comfortable, and can stay that way. If you are confined, I hope that you have a long sewing list to keep you occupied, and a variety of other interests. If you are ill, I wish you mild symptoms and a speedy recovery. And that’s pretty much all I am going to say about the coronavirus situation unless things change dramatically. Not because I don’t care. But rather, because I do. The news gets depressing and scary if you follow too much. Life is difficult for many at the moment. And so some of the things we really need now are friendship, laughter and a little light relief. There are many things I can’t do for you, but this one thing I can. And you can do it for me too. We can stay positively connected online.
Coming home tonight after dinner, this is what I saw. It seems the Chameleon has already committed to keeping in contact with everyone. He has upgraded our satellite internet connection to colour. Excellent!

Soooo…. clearly, the Chameleon is putting his hand leg up to continue being the light entertainment for now. A coronavirus-free zone of “normality”. One place where you can come with your cuppa to be distracted for 5 minutes, and protect your mental health…. So sit back, and let us crazies here remain slightly unhinged to keep you sane!