Tuesday and a half ago, I said I was starting on a thanksgiving-themed wall quilt in Blossom Batiks – Splash fabrics. It’s getting there…..
When my samples of Blossom Batiks – Splash fabrics from RJR arrived in the post, the first thing they reminded me of was sweet pea flowers. Probably because my hubby’s Gran used to grow sweet peas every year, in colours not dissimilar to these. Blue-green leaves and two-tone purple flowers.
And as it turns out, this was a very helpful association to have. Because, as well as the October Beary Colourful bears, I had promised RJR a thankfulness-themed project featuring these fabrics. And……. when I did some research I found out that giving sweet pea flowers as a gift means “thank you”. “Thank you” in general, and more specifically “Thank you for a nice time”.
And from this connection, an idea was born!
To follow the development of my thankfulness wreath quilt so far and also collect a 20% discount code for Electric Quilt products valid until 23rd October 2018. read on.
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