Small and Cute, that is our brief for April’s Love with a Twist
This month we have two smaller balloon animals to add to our Love with a Twist quilt along collection. But size isn’t everything and variation is key to keeping things interesting. Besides, our next two balloon critters are both super sweet, and I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do. 🙂
Today we are going to meet Bonny Butterfly and later in the month, Toddling Turtle. These are the two options for the Block 8 position of the throw quilt size. Why Block 8 next? No reason, except I had them drafted in advance, and this month I am super busy with secret sewing and pattern writing, so I am being kind to myself and using banked credits.
Keep reading to collect your butterfly balloon pdf pattern and find out all the details for making the most of the next block of the Love with a Twist quilt along.
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