Shall I tell you a tall story….?
Sure! Once upon a time, there were two slightly naughty, spotted goats who lived with their grandma in a thatched cottage in a small village. Their names were Girome and Giraldeen, and they were non-identical twins. Girome had already grown a little larger than Giraldeen, and a little bit naughtier too.

One day Girome said to Giraldeen, “I spy a new lolly jar! Let’s raid it”. And Giraldeen replied “I like your thinking, but we’re banned from climbing the shelves. Remember?”
“Ahhh…..” said Girome, “But Nan didn’t ban us from using our Ninja skills. We won’t be climbing to get it”. And with that Girome fetched a rope.
“Ninja skills?! Do we have Ninja skills?” wondered Giraldeen. “Indeed” assured Girome, “We are kids, of course we have Ninja skills”. And he tied the rope around his middle and explained to Giraldeen what he wanted her to do.

Giraldeen had never been particularly good at sports, but Girome insisted. Honest! So Giraldeen whirled Girome around and around with the rope, attempting to throw him up to the lolly jar. But unfortunately, when she let go, Girome overshot the shelves. Instead of nabbing the lolly jar in an awesome Ninja move, his head lodged in the thatch in the ceiling, where he stuck fast. Giraldeen’s throw was way off the mark!
Attempting to put things right, Giraldeen pulled and pulled on the rope, but when Girome finally popped free his neck was streeeeee-tched. Giraldeen took one look and burst out laughing. She was laughing so hard she couldn’t talk. “Gir….. Gir…. ha ha hafff, Gir hahahaha, Gir haff”, she spluttered.
Read on to finish this tall story, collect your two gir-haff balloon pdf patterns and find out all the details for making the most of the next block of the Love with a Twist quilt along.
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