Colour Inspiration Tuesday – Blue Moon Fabrics

Blue Moon colour scheme from Clever Chameleon

March is “Try a New Technique” Month for the Island Batik Ambassador team, and I’m feeling inspired!

Try a new technique?!! You’ll never likely have to ask me twice!! I have loooooong lists of quilty things I want to try “one day”…. patterns to make, gadgets to play with, embellishments and paints and markers and machines and .attachments and ……. and …… and……. and that doesn’t include the countless really cool things I have seen and forgotten along the way. “Try a New Technique” is practically my quilting motto!

Finishing a project I’ve started while trying a new technique…… now that’s a slightly different story…..  but this month I am going to nail that one too. 🙂

Island Batik badge

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Year of the Dog Mini Quilt – An Island Batik Challenge

Year of the dog mini quilt

It’s the Year of the Dog. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year? Yes, Happy Chinese New Year! And Happy Island Batik Ambassador New Year as well!

chinatown entrance

Chinese New Year fell on the 16th February this year, so we have now entered the Year of the Dog. Celebrations commenced on Chinese New Year’s Eve and will traditionally continue for two weeks past New Year’s Day. This period is also officially known as both the Chinese Spring Festival and the Batik Jamboree. There are many amazing and colourful celebrations happening in our local Chinatown. So I thought we should celebrate the Year of the Dog too, with a new mini quilt!

Wait! Really? You haven’t heard of the Batik Jamboree? The Batik Jamboree of the Fabric Zodiac? The beginning of the Island Batik Fabric Lunar Calendar? No? Oh! I shall have to fill you in…… Continue reading “Year of the Dog Mini Quilt – An Island Batik Challenge”

The BOX!!! She has arrived!!!

Island Batik Ambassador Box

It was all squeals of delight and happy dances at my house yesterday morning! My very first Island Batik Ambassador box has arrived!

Christmas treeYesterday was one of those days where it felt even more like Christmas than Christmas! I have been waiting and waiting for my first of Island Batik Ambassador goodies to arrive from the US, and it just wouldn’t come….. We had tracking on our boxes, and I have been torturing myself with that little string of numbers all week, checking and re-checking to see if my box had moved yet. Nope, still in Sydney. Still in Sydney. Still in Sydney…..

So yesterday unfolded like this….. I got up and completed a blog post that was meant to go out the day before. Then I had a late breakfast and checked emails and all that jazz….. and as I was finishing up my coffee I decided to poke the postal tracker, even though it was Saturday…… “ARRIVED AT POST OFFICE”, it said! I yelped. I really yelped – an involuntary sound of joy and relief all in one! Enough sound to bring my daughter running, mildly concerned…… Her adorable response, all young naivety and optimism…. “So it will come today then”…. insert happy dance…… And I said “Sadly, no, we don’t get Saturday deliveries except near Christmas”. “Yes” she said “Today, in 5 minutes”. I just smiled wistfully and got on with my morning, getting ready to go to a 2-year old’s birthday party and looking forward to Monday when That Box would finally arrive.

But then…..

…. I heard a van door slam. Out the window I see my parcel postman (also my friendly neighbour from 3 doors down) parked across the street. But I am still in my dressing gown. Cue another yelp! Yes, I can still move FAST. I was dressed…. (ok, so it was hubby’s shirt….but they were my pants!) and at the door when the doorbell rang. Should have seen me…. Mrs Cool, Calm and Collected! hahahaha

Continue reading “The BOX!!! She has arrived!!!”