Welcome to our Forest Fairy Crafts book giveaway day!
Hiya! As promised last Sunday, I am back today to show you all the things my daughter and I made from Lenka Vodicka-Paredes and Asia Currie’s latest book, “Forest Fairy Crafts through the Seasons”. It is the sequel to Forest Fairy Crafts published in 2013.
Forest Fairy Crafts through the Seasons is a cute book that leads you far enough down the garden path to complete any of the projects as shown – but also leaves you plenty of scope to adapt them to your own crafting style. BYO personal tastes, substituted supplies and imaginations are highly encouraged. However, if you have misplaced your crafting mojo, there is also plenty to get started with in the book by simply following the instructions. And I reckon, that once you get started, your imagination will invite itself on over anyways! 😀
Today I’ll tell you how you can enter to win an e-copy of this book for yourself or your favourite fairy-lover. There are opportunities in this post, as well as on the rest of the blogs on the Forest Fairy Tour.
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