Does something smell fishy in your inbox?

At the risk of sounding obsessed with all things aquatic, yes, we are still on the theme of quilted ponds and fishes and such things here. Partly out of coincidence though….. I have been drawing up the next few patterns for the Love with a Twist quilt along and one of May’s blocks just happens to be the fish balloon. So I still have fish on the brain. But I promise we will surface from our underwater explorations very soon. I think a sweet balloon bunny with his mummy appliqué would be a nice pattern release around Mother’s Day this weekend. Don’t you?
Before that though, as a little extra, I thought I would add some detail to my blog today about how to create the water-loving critters found on my Pond Life quilt from last month. Including the extra frog shapes from the Accuquilt leaping frog die and the fish quilting motif that was my favourite. Are you ready? Let’s dive a little deeper into Pond Life….
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