An Island Batik Ambassador Quilt Finish
May is drawing to a close – it’s starting to feel more wintery here, and it’s time to show you my finished Island Batik Ambassador quilt for this month. My checkers quilt, Hop to be Square is my Island Batik project for May. I hope you saw last week’s post explaining how the flimsy of Hop to be Square came about…. It was nearly as much of a surprise to me as anyone – it was certainly not the quilt I sat down to make!

Today I get to show you what I put on the back side of Hop to be Square. Just like the quilt top, the back took itself off plan as soon as it was in progress! To begin with, I thought I was the one being clever….. I had three checkered batik fabrics from Island Batik. And since the quilt front is a board for playing Checkers, they seemed like the simple and perfect fit for the backing……
But then the fabrics played me!
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