Lunarcy Quilt: Year of the Dog Block Release Day
Dog Days: the hot, sultry, uncomfortable days of the Northern Hemisphere summer corresponding to the annual rise of Sirius (the Dog Star) over the horizon. Yuck.
Sirius (and its doggy constellation Canis Major) is a feature of the summer sky here in the Southern Hemisphere too. And since this past week was hot, sultry and super uncomfortable here… I’m proclaiming that our own Dog Days are upon us.

This was Arkaroola on Sunday. What you can’t see is the stinking-hot gales of wind to go with the humidity. It was still 42C (107F) at 6pm despite the dust and gloom. Yuck.
So, how best to distract from yucky Dog Days? By releasing the hounds, of course! And if that all sounds like Lunarcy, well…. Perfect. Because by my reckoning, it’s time for the Lunarcy Year of the Dog.