Are you participating in the 2018 Monthly Color Challenge? Time to show off your Yellow Creations!
The giveaway for March at Patterns by Jen is open, and it’s time to show us what you’ve made in yellow. If you linkup a yellow block, quilt or other fabric project before the end of March, you will have a chance to win one of three 6-month subscriptions to Make Modern magazine. Winners will be posted on April 2nd (due to the first being Easter Sunday).
Still thinking about making your yellow bear? Last minute is good…. I do last minute all the time! Here’s some inspiration for you from yellow bears shared with me on facebook this month. Enjoy!

You can see three more yellow bears here by Mormormaxi, Quilted_Collie and Janet. Do especially have a look at the yellow bear done by Quilted Collie…. she has done something a little bit different and very fun with her skipping rope! Love it.
I hope you have had time to make something, however small in yellow for March. If not…. there is still time to squeak a block in! And if you’d like to see your bears on Clever Chameleon, share pics with me on facebook and I’ll gladly show the world! I know we all love seeing how our quilting friends interpret a common design and make it their own.
Speaking of facebook…. the orange bear is starting to make sneaky appearances leading up to April 1st. Head on over and take a look. 🙂
The quilted collie thanks you very much!. I had fun adding the different jump rope. Glad you liked it.
I can tell people are really having fun with this!