This week is the Be A Diamond blog hop with Carol at Just Let Me Quilt. And today is my day to add to the sparkling quilt line-up. If you are new here… I am very hoppy to meet you. If you are back for your usual dose of colour, quilts and absurdity….. well, you are a true diamond. Happy hoppy Colour & Inspiration Tuesday, my friend!
Either way, come on in. Let’s talk diamond(ish) quilts today!
When Carol from Just Let Me Quilt announced there was a new blog hop coming up in February, I did my usual mental dance with myself. Mature Me said “Nope, you’ve got too many more urgent important things on your plate”. Optimist Me said “But I’ll just do something little…. I’ll squeeze it in”. Mature Me said “Pigs might fly!”. And Stick It to Mature Me Me said “Oooooh….. pigs might fly – that’d fit the theme! Hahahahaha”.
The thought of doing a Pigs Might Fly appliqué motif based on my balloon pig for the Love with a Twist quilt along was just too irresistible. Mature Me was seriously outvoted. So we joined the “Show Your Wings” blog hop, and here we are! There is a free pattern download for you too. Enjoy!
Sometimes it’s not about the colours….. (*shock*, I know!). Sometimes, an idea is so awesome, it would grab me in any colour. Today’s inspiration photo from rawpixel on has me reeling with possibilities in both the kitchen and in the sewing room! All I did was type “gingerbread” into the search bar of Unsplash, and my world changed forever!
OK, so it’s probably not really quite that drastic, but there is definitely some fun to be had here!
While I process my newest ideas, and decide whether the gingerbread cupcake snow globe quilt squirrel is a chaser or a leaver… here’s something to keep you busy. We are now into the third week of the Island Batik Getaway blog hop. I hope you are noticing lots of new inspiring fabric collections in this hop that are getting your own creative juices flowing!
Today’s weekly Tuesday Inspiration post is a relatively simple affair – come and see the next five Island Batik fabric collections being showcased this week. Find out who scored the Chameleon’s inspiration feature spot from last week’s link up. And of course, link up this week and show us what you are working on. I hope I will see you at this week’s party.
Welcome to my stop on the Island Batik Getaway Blog Hop. This is my last project as a 2018 Island Batik Ambassador, and accordingly, a biggie.
Back in July I received a “Surprise” package. Inside were glorious Paisley Park fabrics that had to be kept secret for the longest time! But today I can show and tell all. My instructions were to use as many of the different fabrics as I could to create a quilt of at least lap size. And if I wished, to incorporate themes of travel and destinations.
Paisley Park fabrics by Island Batik
So much beautiful fabric, so many quilt options. But I’d had an idea that had been waiting it’s turn for a very long time, and around September it finally it dawned on me that the colour and contrast spectrums of the Paisley Park fabrics would be perfect for it. My Cat on a Wall design from eons ago.
Read on…. I’ll introduce you to my Cat on a Wall quilt – Paisley Park Getaway style. Of course, surreptitiously getting you hooked on these new fabrics in the process. 🙂 And then I’ll tell you how you could win a 5″ strip pack of 20 of the fabrics used in my quilt. I’d love you to be able to have a play with these fabrics, they are even better in real life.
Colour Inspiration Tuesday is back! There are New Fabrics in town! And there are Prizes to win!
Welcome to back to our Colour & Inspiration Tuesday routine with my most favourite inspiration of all! New batik fabrics!
It’s that time of year when the newest fabrics fluff up their feathers and put on their most extravagant of courting performances, targeting your hearts and your wallets for a new nest to live in. Fair warning – there are a lot of new pretties out there, and their covet-factor is sky high. Allow these hard-to-cut-into fabrics to come to roost at your place at your own peril!
But just looking can’t hurt, can it? Let’s go fabric-twitching to spot never-before-seen batik specimens! Follow me into the wild world of the latest Island Batik fabric releases if you dare….. For those of you intrepid enough to face the economic peril of spotting something you weren’t previously aware you neeeeeded, there are opportunities to win big, and inspiration to be had. Who’s with me?!