A little bit of Outback Autumn to brighten your day, and some quilt progress at last!
There is a sense that nature is stirring around us here at Arkaroola…. The heat is tailing off with the arrival of autumn, and some of the benefits from the rain two months ago remain. In particular, flowers that germinated and butterflies that bred in response to the rain in February are now reaching maturity. More birds are appearing around our house area now too, especially the bug-eating Willy Wagtails and some finches.
And the nightly moth cabaret at our windows never plays the same show twice. Checking on the visitors at the windows each night has become somewhat of a hobby for me…. a shared interest with the Chameleon, if you like. Although I must add, our motivations are a little divergent….. I am more “Team Moth” than “Team Lizard”. Notably, my team does not always win.

Been a bit AWOL from the blog, but still plugging along
Many thanks to those caring souls who have checked in lately. For the last few weeks I feel like I have had writer’s block, creative block… all sorts of blocks. Life was too hectic, and then the school term finished early with not much notice. All the things I hate so much (like alarm clocks and fighting over year 4 grammar) went away really suddenly. Yay! But so did my schedule. Boo! So much more time and so much less motivation….. I’m sure many of you can relate. If not, you are likely one of the essential role darlings (thank you) whom the rest of us bunnies wish we could do more to help than just stay out of your way.

Anyway, whether you are staying at home or are working flat out, I hope you managed to have some happy moments over Easter. I can’t remember the last Easter when I didn’t see my brother and his family, but it was OK. In fact, Easter was somehow a turning point for me…. I don’t know if it was the egg hunt with the kids, the bonfire in the evening, or a chocolate overload, but on Sunday I suddenly emerged from the low grade mental fog that’s been slowing me up lately. My enthusiasm is back and the circus will go on. Ha!
I have finally got back into my sewing space after just not feeling like it for so long. I have even made some significant progress on my Chinese New Year quilt….. what a ridiculous subject for a quilt that has turned out to be for the moment, bahahaha. The Chameleon has just about wet himself laughing a few times over the notion of celebrating 2020 so far. But I am committed, and perhaps many good things will still come out of the Year of the Rat yet. A year of reflection and change and (re)-discovering our strengths, maybe. Or maybe it will just be a case of “I survived the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt quilt”….
At least we’ll get the quilt! 😀
Continue reading “Butterflies for a change! Colour & Inspiration Tuesday”