June is Purple! Yes folks, May is nearly done and it’s time to start thinking about next month’s Color Challenge feature colour! Purple.
“they mixed red and blue together — and what did that make? It didn’t make green. It made a deep dark purple. Purple as violets, Purple as prunes. Purple as shadows on late afternoons.”
Let’s have a look at the complexities of purple and some of the meanings it can convey as a lead up to the next Monthly Color Challenge. And do I need mention …… the release of the Purple Beary Colourful Bear pattern is nearly here? – Friday! Yay! 🙂
June is Purple, so let’s explore!
What is purple? Purple is drama, power, magic and mystique. Purple is prestige and luxury. Extravagance even. Purple is royalty, majesty, bravery and richness. The heavens, the horizon, and the deepest depths – all purple. Purple is vast!
Purple is the colour of confusion, frustration, authority and irritability
“Living in a purple haze“…… Now, doesn’t that just sum up the nitty gritty of dealing with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) lately? On that note, you may have noticed a few administrative changes around Clever Chameleon since last Tuesday. I would also like you to specifically know that we have a privacy statement. It doesn’t change how I operate. I have always held your privacy and autonomy in the utmost highest regard and no EU directive has altered any of that. If you want to break up with the Chameleon, you have also always been free to go. He doesn’t beg. Ohhhhh, the thought of it though…… Dark purple is the colour of sadness and gloom.
Enough said. Moving right on back to happier things….
Purple is the colour of creativity
Purple is creative. Imaginative. Individual. Possibly even a little eccentric.
The Chameleon likes purple. A lot. Purple is original and independent. Purple contradicts the practical and the everyday. This colour has a sense of humour and an appreciation of the mildly ridiculous.
Purple is also a powerful adjective. Apparently, the phrase “purple cow” refers to something remarkable, amazing, unique, stand-out, eye-catching, or unusual. I’d never heard of it before. One I know better is “purple prose” – used to describe large exaggerations and highly imaginative writings. We also have a saying in our house: “purple cloud“. If you don’t know that one, I will spare you.

Purple is a tension between red and blue
Red is stimulating. Blue is calming. Purple is both. Red is hot, blue is cool. Purple is neither. Until you add a touch more of either, then the majority rules. Purple is spiritual. Purple is dignified, excessive, devoted, arrogant, peaceful, proud, nostalgic, moody. In other words, complicated! Purple unites the wisdom of blue and the love of red, giving you justice. Light purple is feminine but not immature. Lavender is the grown-up pink.
Some of the most beautiful
and tasty
things I know are purple.
Purple is last
The end of the visible spectrum. The final colour just before the black of night. And the last colour we will look at here on Clever Chameleon in detail for a while. Purple wraps up this series on colour, as we have now looked at all the primary and secondary colours. You can find the other posts here: red, blue, yellow, orange and green. The remainder of the Monthly Color Challenge features most of the tertiary colours as well as black and white. We will probably have a closer look at teal in November, and black and white in December, but as for the orange-reds, yellow-greens and red-purples etc, I think we can safely say we have covered most of their properties already.
Let’s get to the Chameleon’s Colour Linky Party!
The Chameleon decided that since this week was a colour challenge Tuesday, that the chosen features should be the greenest quilt in last week’s link up (in honour of May) and the most purple quilt in the link up (in anticipation of June).
Luckily for the Chameleon, Denise of For the Love of Geese linked up the beginnings of her green compass quilt called Nostalgia Twist. This quilt looks super complicated, but I am assured it has no curved seams and no Y-seams. Sweet! Head on over and have a closer look!
Also luckily for the Chameleon, Becca of Pretty Piney linked up her pretty Ladyslipper baby quilt, in tints of red-purple. Becca also mentions that she adds washing instructions to her quilts to encourage their new owners to actually use them. Very good advice, that I should definitely heed. Go find out what else Becca has been up to lately, there are quite a few gems in her post.
The Chameleon hopes you will visit today’s features. And sends his thanks to everyone who linked up last week. I really enjoyed visiting you all. If you were featured you can find a badge of honour here.
Now it’s time to do it all again….. Link up your latest quilting projects and show the Chameleon your colours!
We’d love to see what colours you are quilting in at the moment, so show us what you are making or getting excited about!
Guidelines (more detail here):
- Link up your latest or recent quilt excitement. All construction stages welcome, from a quilt plan, a fabric pull, quilt blocks, a flimsy, to a finished quilt…. if you have a photo you love, we want to see it.
- You have 100 characters in the link description…. tell us who you are and what wonderful colours you’ve chosen. Inspire us with your colour scheme!
- URLs are not necessary to link up, but if you have one, please use the direct link (not your homepage). A link back is appreciated but not necessary.
- Do you use muted/pastel/low volume colours? Fantastic….. the Chameleon wants to see Everything, not just the bright stuff!
I hope you will link up a quilt you are working on or have just finished. Come back next week to see if you’ve caused the Chameleon to disguise himself as your quilt.
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And don’t forget to pop over and link up your green creations for the Monthly Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen. It’s open until the end of Thursday. You have a couple of days left to whip up an entry…. it doesn’t need to be a finished quilt, just one green block will do! Don’t forget you are playing for the great prize below, plus a chance at the year’s grand prize of longarm quilting by the Dizzy Quilter.

But before you rush off to sew up a green block, link up your recent quilting progress or finish at the Chameleon’s party first. OK?!!! OK. 🙂
Purple – my favorite color!! All shades!! And I think most of the descriptions of purple fit – “Creative. Imaginative. Individual. Possibly even a little eccentric.” Yep, I think that fits! LOL A (fairly) local dairy had purple ice cream once – it was great!! Thanks for the purple color lesson!
Hmm, not a big fan of purple. And now maybe, I know why: confusion, frustration, authority and irritability. Bummer it’s also associated with creativity. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what others make with purple!
Purple is my favorite! I may just have to try to get my latest purple quilt out for a photo shoot this weekend so I can link it up next week.
Haha!! Yesterday I cut out some winter gear for myself, in Purple merino!!! Looking forward to Purple Ted,
Thank you Dione. Too bad June wasn’t green. Loving June so far.