2020 – Year of the Rat
In the beginning there was the Rat. And the Rat jumped the queue.
According to Chinese legend, it was the Rat who (somewhat dodgily) won the Emperor’s race that decided the identity and order of the Zodiac animals. And so it is the Rat who is the first animal of the 12-year Lunar Calendar cycle. As one version of the story goes, the Rat caught a ride in the amiable Ox’s ear to cross a river during the race, but then abused the favour by dashing across the finish line first, claiming the honours.
And it seems that the ancient precedent for the Rat jumping the queue still holds. I started designing the Lunarcy quilt in 2018 with the Dog appliqué, and then followed in 2019 with the Pig appliqué, but it is the Rat appliqué that is released first. It seems only fitting though – 2020 is the Year of the Rat, the Year of the Lunarcy quilt, and coincidentally, also somewhat dodgy.

And so, today is the day to grab your copy of the Lunarcy Rat appliqué pattern. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
At Arkaroola lately – Nature’s fireworks
Spring is still sending surprises to the Outback. Last Friday and then over the weekend, much of our state was treated to a colossal thunderstorm system. It’s not that unusual for October, but being here in Arkaroola with expansive views in all directions made it a very different experience in comparison with past storms experienced from suburbia. There was no more rain for us this time, but there was such frequent lightning that I was able to catch plenty on camera – simply by taking random shots out the windows! Here’s a taste.

The first storm came through in the mid afternoon, the rest came much later. The late show was well worth staying up for.

There was some wind associated with all this activity, but I am pleased to say, no damage here to speak of. We didn’t even have a power out.
Do you like Rats?
Animal lover that I am, I’m still not really a fan. I know they can make good pets, but… nah. I was even slightly surprised to find that Australia has a native Rattus species when I checked. I knew about our hopping mice and many other interesting small rodent-y Australians, but the rat was news to me. This is Rattus fuscipes or the Australian Bush Rat. Fuscipes means “dark foot”. Apparently it is shyer than the black pest rat and has a shorter, hairier tail. Still a bit dodgy looking to me though.

Rats do get a bad wrap most of the time, don’t they? Love rat, rat-race, dirty rat…. the insults roll on. They are even blamed in many stories for the absence of the Cat in the Chinese Lunar calendar….. the Rat tricked the Cat out of competing in the Zodiac race, or caused him to drown, and either way started a continuous feud between the two species. Banksy hasn’t helped their reputation in recent times either. Who’d invite these guys over?!
But if you are a Zodiac Rat, take heart. If you were born after Lunar New Year in 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948 or 1936 etc, you have been endowed with more than your share of intelligence, adaptability, quick-wit, charm, artistry and gregariousness! And I am sure you are house trained. So I have designed you an alert and friendly-looking rodent for your corner of the Lunarcy quilt. We love you really.

Get the Year of the Rat Lunarcy Quilt installment
Part Three of the Lunarcy Quilt pattern is available for you to download via the button below. This new pdf supplies you with all the appliqué templates you’ll need to create the Year of the Rat appliqué and his Chinese lantern. There is also an optional embroidery motif of a Chinese knot to decorate the lantern with if you wish.
This quilt pattern is very kindly supported by Island Batik, who supplied all the fabrics to me for the sample. The fabrics I used are detailed in the pattern, and are all from their Foundations Basics and Blenders collections. This means that if you wish to use any or all of the same, they are still available through your favourite Island Batik stockist.
Year of the rat download

**** It is really important that you print this pdf at 100%, otherwise your pattern pieces will be the wrong size for the quilt blocks. Turn off any “fit to page” options in your printer dialog and ensure that the printout size is set to 100%. There are check boxes supplied in the document. If your printout is successful, these will measure 1″ square. The document is designed to fit on US Letter and A4 paper. ****
Inside the Year of the Rat pdf you will find the templates for the Rat and his lantern, and also an appliqué placement key. The placement of the blossoms is given as a suggestion, but feel free to add as many or as few as you’d like.
The next release will be the Year of the Pig appliqué. We are going to work backwards through the Lunar calendar until we eventually finish with the Ox to celebrate the New Year of the Ox 2021.

Oh Rats! AN important announcement
As I was finishing up the animals appliqué patterns on the weekend, I realised there is a small mistake in the Branches and Blossoms pattern pdf I put up last week.
Motif Branch D, of which you only need a singular copy for the Dragon block, was originally drawn about an inch shorter than the motif that I eventually used in my quilt. Somehow my change did not make it into the final pattern. But if you return to the Branches and Blossoms post and re-download the pdf file you will now get the corrected template.
If you happen to be super organised and have already cut out your branches, and can’t/don’t wish to replace the offending part, don’t fret. The branch is only about an inch shorter than I preferred it to be, so:
– you can decide it is a feature and leave it as is, or
– if you place a blossom on the very end of the branch, no one will know it does not extend that extra inch. Blossom placement is totally arbitrary and can be used to hide many sins.
Either way, it is no big deal, and I hope it has not inconvenienced you.

The Lunarcy Quilt measures 75.5″ x 94″ and is designed for a single/twin bed. Part 1 of the pattern lists the fabric requirements and details how to put the quilt top together. It is your choice whether you prefer to do this before or after the appliqués. You can download Lunarcy Quilt Part 1 here. Part Two of the pattern is the Branches and Blossoms motifs used throughout multiple blocks. There will also be 12 animal appliqué files, of which today’s Rat is the first. The others will arrive in this order: Pig, Dog, Rooster, Monkey, Goat, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Tiger and Ox.

I hope you will enjoy making something from this pattern and I’d love to see what you’ve made if you do. If there are any problems with the file, please let me know.
And, your weekly dose of Linky Inspiration….
Here are my highlights for you this week. If you are looking for Halloween inspiration, there were also several very fun Halloween projects in the line up – click here and scroll to the bottom for the party links to those.

Daniela on Instagram linked up a beautiful challenge quilt last week. I am really pleased to have make Daniela’s acquaintance on IG – I love the colours and all the symbolism in this work. And that hexie quilt on the quilt? It is actually made of tiny hexies! Why not head over to IG and take a closer look at the whole thing and her other posts?
In the blogs:

Andrée joined TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club 2020 and is now playing with textiles for the sheer pleasure of it. The Chameleon insists he is sheer joy too, look! Ignore the Chameleon and head over to the Quilting and Learning blog to find out more about Andrée’s experiences and process.

Quilting Gail linked up a quilt that I’d like to show you the back of. Normally I hate it when someone tells me how much they love the back of a quilt after I have slaved over the front. But I think this time it is warranted and Gail will forgive me. Look at the graffiti quilting on this! I would love to graffiti a quilt… but so far I’ve always chickened out. Somehow I just can’t get my head around how move between quilting designs. I love this, thanks for linking up Gail. 😀

Finally, if you are an animal lover, don’t miss a post at DONNALEEQ. This week she has a touching duck rescue and progress on a mastiff appliqué. Everything to love in this post!

News from the Chameleon’s Clipboard
Island Batik are seeking applications for their Ambassador program for 2021. I’ve loved being a part of this program in the past and it pushed me to be a better quilter and designer in all sorts of ways. Island Batik fabrics are to die for, and they have a whole raft of great industry partners too.

If you’re interested in applying click HERE. If you are a blogger and a quilter who wants to become more professional, this may be ideal for you!
That’s your Chameleon Quota for the week. Now it’s your turn to share!

Tell us – what are you working on, or have recently finished in your sewing room? We want to know so we can visit and be inspired. Link up a blog post, an IG post or simply a photo from your computer. See if you can get the Chameleon to turn quilted with happiness. We’d love to see your quilting colours!
- Link up your latest or recent quilt/sewing excitement. All quilt construction stages welcome – finished quilts, quilt blocks – even fabric pulls! Or inspiration sources!
- You have 50 characters in the link description…. tell us who you are and what your fantastic project is.
- URL links are not necessary to link up…. non-bloggers 100% welcome! If you don’t have a URL, you can link up with just a photo.
- Take a moment to visit some friends who came to the party – leave a little love and make their day. And a link back to Clever Chameleon is always appreciated.
- Do it now……. before you forget!

The Chameleon turns rainbow with pleasure when he hears from you. Now that it’s your turn…. Scroll to the end and tell me what you think. Thanks for connecting!
Would you like to keep in touch with Clever Chameleon and the fun quilty ideas I design as well as find all over the internet? You can follow directly for email updates, or through Bloglovin’, Pinterest, IG or FB. All your follow options can be found here. Don’t forget to link up all your current quilting projects on Tuesdays at our Colour & Inspiration Linky parties!
Like you, rats are NOT my favorite animals! LOL But yours is kinda cute. The Bush Rat is kinda cute with his big ears. I just don’t want to see him! LOL
So many fun rats. And I love your colour inspiration.
NO!!! I do not like rats!!! NOPE … not a single one! Well, except for your cute Year of the rat! That one I could tolerate!
Love your lightening shots! They’re hard to capture! Well done!
Thanks for sharing the back of my quilt! And I hope you try graffiti quilting soon! 🙂
Happy Quilting! 🙂
Well if I am going to hang out with a rat, I want him or her to be a happy rat, and this fellow fills the requirements. He’ll come to live with us in early November as soon as the ghosts and goblins retire for the year. Great storm shots Dione. I love learning bits and pieces about your area.
Thank you for the Rat. Love the colours you have used for this quilt!
Hi Dione! WOWEE! Those lightning photos are fabulous. Seriously, fabulous. It looks to me like you’re seeing the Northern lights . . . which would be the Southern lights for you??! Beats me but that’s what I saw when visiting Alaska in August-September (and can even see here in Wisconsin sometimes). I’m mentally trying to think if you could see them and you must! A rat lover – no – but a rat in the Chinese calendar – yes, please. Especially one with those cute little flowers. ~smile~ Roseanne
A double wow on the lightening photos! I do think the pictured rat has some pretty cute ears😋
Wow! Fantastic storm pics! As for rats,I’ve not spent any time around them to know how I feel about them. Your Lunarcy rat is adorable though. Very cool quilt idea.
Thank you so much
I had not heard the story of the Rat cheating in a race. Your rat is so cute, but I admit that I do not normally care for rats. I do have a good friend who has pet rats, though.
I love the fact that this quilt, Lunarcy, is in such a crazy year…perfect really. The lightning pictures are awesome. I realize how much of the sky we missed living in the city all those years. I am truly grateful for the time on the island where I get to see so much more. Rats and mice…not a fan and I am on constant inspection for mice as we had them a few winters back…hope not to see them again.
Hi Dione – rats….oh well I suppose they are cute individually 🙂 Your block is lovely and I love the Bansky image. That was quite the storm system you got, especially without rain. We once saw a storm in the prairies and there was nothing like it, so I image that it must have been like that. Lovely to watch when you’re safely tucked in!
Thanks for featuring my sheers – I always love the Chameleon’s puns!
Hope you’ll come visit and link up. I’m hosting this week. Have a great week. Take care.
Dione, your Lunarcy quilt is Terrific! You even made the rat block come out super cute. I don’t mind rats terribly as pets, but – yeah – if I were that wife, I would really hate him working at home, too! lolol That’s disgusting, that bathroom shot.
Brilliant lightning pics – never thought of just taking picks at random, and because of that I end up with no lightning in my pics. However, not helped by the fact that most of the windows have screens on the outside, so getting the camera’s focus set is hard enough.
Mr. Mew looks right at home on the Lunarcy Quilt – he is your own personal Tiger! And I’ve said it before . . . this is my favourite quilt!! I must agree with you about rats, ewww!!! We had to stop feeding the birds, as we had 3 coming over from the neighbours. But apparently, you can by some spicy owl that won’t harm the birds, but rodents will not touch the seed, so that is at the top of my ‘when Covid is sorted’ shopping list. But our Lunarcy Rat is just fine by me – wouldn’t be without him.
Take care Dione!
It’s always so interesting to read your blogposts! The lightning photos are spectacular.